Loïc Treffel

Docteur en science de la vie et de la santé. Ostéopathe D.O. et chercheur associé au PMNG de Lyon. Mon but est de comprendre les douleurs de dos rencontrées par les astronautes pendant le vol spatial, et surtout à leur retour sur terre. Je suis actuellement investigateur principal et Co-investigateur pour des programmes de recherches associant le CNES à la NASA et à l’agence spatiale russe ROSCOSMOS. J’ai également eu la chance de travailler avec l’agence spatiale chinoise à Shenzhen, ainsi qu’avec l’agence spatiale européenne à Cologne pour le programme étudiant de l’ESA. 

Mots clefs : physiologie spatiale, disque intervertébral, imagerie, échographie, anatomie, tissu myofascial.


Marc-Antoine Custaud, Stéphane Blanc, Guillemette Gauquelin-Koch, Claude Gharib. L’humain et l’espace. Ses adaptations physiologiques. Chapitre Le système osseux p163-179. Ouvrage collectif CNES. Ed. books on demand. 344 pages. Dec 07, 2020. ISBN : 9782322270620 


Nay K, Koechlin-Ramonatxo C, Rochdi S, Island ML, Orfila L, Treffel L, Bareille MP, Beck A, Gauquelin-Koch G, Ropert M, Loréal O, Derbré F. Simulated microgravity disturbs iron metabolism and distribution in humans: Lessons from dry immersion, an innovative ground-based human model. FASEB Journal. 2020 Sep 12. doi:10.1096/fj.202001199RR. PMID: 32918768.

Treffel, L.; Navasiolava, N.; Mkhitaryan, K.; Jouan, E.; Zuj, K.; Gauquelin-Koch, G.; Custaud, M.-A.; Gharib, C. DI-5-Cuffs: Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Proteoglycan and Water Content Changes in Humans after Five Days of Dry Immersion to Simulate Microgravity. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020, 21, 3748. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21113748.

Treffel, L., Massabuau, N., Zuj, K., Custaud, M.-A., Gauquelin-Koch, G., Blanc, S., Gharib, C., Millet, C. (2017). Pain and Vertebral Dysfunction in Dry Immersion: A Model of Microgravity Simulation Different from Bed Rest Studies. Pain Research and Management. 2017 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5530446/

Treffel, L., Dmitrieva, L., Gauquelin-Koch, G., Custaud, M.-A., Blanc, S., Gharib, C., et al. (2016a). Craniomandibular System and Postural Balance after 3-Day Dry Immersion. PloS One 11, e0150052. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150052.

Treffel, L., Mkhitaryan, K., Gellee, S., Gauquelin-Koch, G., Gharib, C., Blanc, S., et al. (2016b). Intervertebral Disc Swelling Demonstrated by 3D and Water Content Magnetic Resonance Analyses after a 3-Day Dry Immersion Simulating Microgravity. Frontiers in Physiology. 7. doi:10.3389/fphys.2016.00605.

Demangel, R*., Treffel, L*., Py, G., Brioche, T., Pagano, A. F., Bareille, M.-P., et al. (2017). Early structural and functional signature of 3-day human skeletal muscle disuse using the dry immersion model. The Journal of Physiology., n/a-n/a. doi:10.1113/JP273895. (*first authors) 

Arbeille, P., Avan, P., Treffel, L., Zuj, K., Normand, H., and Denise, P. (2017). Jugular and Portal Vein Volume, Middle Cerebral Vein Velocity, and Intracranial Pressure in Dry Immersion. Aerospace Medicine and Human  Performance. 88, 457–462. doi:10.3357/AMHP.4762.2017. 



Schleip R, Gabbiani G, Wilke J, Naylor I, Hinz B, Zorn A, Jäger H, Breul R, Schreiner S and Klingler W (2019) Fascia Is Able to Actively Contract and May Thereby Influence Musculoskeletal Dynamics: A Histochemical and Mechanographic Investigation. Front. Physiol. 10:336. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00336


Schoenrock B, Zander V, Dern S, Limper U, Mulder E, Veraksitš A, Viir R, Kramer A, Stokes MJ, Salanova M, Peipsi A and Blottner D (2018) Bed Rest, Exercise Countermeasure and Reconditioning Effects on the Human Resting Muscle Tone System. Front. Physiol. 9:810.doi: 10.3389/fphys.2018.00810 Frontiers in Physiology., 03 July 2018 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2018.00810 Bed Rest, Exercise Countermeasure and Reconditioning Effects on the Human Resting Muscle Tone System, Schoenrock, al. And Blottner.


Annual Research & Review in Biology 18 (2): 1-10, 2017 Article no.ARRB.35926 ISSN: 2347565X, NLM ID: 101632869. Kanchan Kumar Sarker, Jasobanta Sethi and Umasankar Mohanty ; Effect of Spinal Manipulation on Specific Changes in Segmental Instability, Pain Sensitivity and Health Related Quality of Life among Patients with Chronic Non specific Low Back PainA Randomized Clinical Trial.


  • Symposium: « Head Out Water Immersion Symposium » & « Baroreflex and Heart Rate Variability Group » Angers. 28-30 Avril 2014.
  • Meeting: “Life in Space for Life on Earth”. Life Science Meeting ISGP, Waterloo, Canada 16-20 June 2014 (Young Researchers’ Contest).
  • Meeting: 36th annual international Society for Gravitational Physiology meeting ISGP, Ljubljana, Slovenia. 7-12 June 2015. (Young Researcher).
  • Symposium: Life in Space for Life on Earth, ISGP/ESA/CNES, in Toulouse, France, 5-10 June 2016. (Young Researcher Award).
  • Symposium ISGP 2017, 28ème Annual International Gravitational Physiology Meeting Zvenigorod, Russia, May 28 – June 2, 2017 : 2 abstracts :

1/ Postural changes after a 3-day dry immersion. C. Millet, G. Gauquelin-Koch, C. Gharib, L. Treffel.
2/ Changes in muscle properties during a 180-day confinement (CELSS). Preliminary results. L. Treffel, Du Fang, Xu Zi,
G. Gauquelin-Koch, Wang Jingyu, JC. Lloret, MA. Custaud, Yuan Ming, C. Gharib, Li Yinghui.

  • Invitation to international congress in Bruxelles. From lab to practice. How to close the gap between research and patients. Human body in motion 04/28-29/2017.
  • The Joint Conference of the 7th International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space (ISPS-7) & 25th ELGRA Biennial Symposium was held in the Conference Centre of Antibes Juan-les-Pins (France) from 2nd to 6th of October 2017.
  • International Workshop on Science and Technology for Space Exploration. Spine changes in simulated microgravity, L. Treffel, K. Mkhitaryan, C. Gharib, G. Gauquelin-Koch, S. Blanc, C. Millet. ENAC 19-21 September 2018, Toulouse, France.- Symposium de l’ISGP 2021. 41st Annual ISGP Meeting – 2021- Organized by College Station, Texas, USA. From  24st to 27th may. Oral presentation and abstract extended to publication in Frontiers in Physiology. Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar myofascial properties and pain development during five days of dry immersion: DI-5-Cuffs (submitted).